Υπό-Επιτροπή Παρακολούθησης της Χρήσης των Χρόνων Χρήσης (SPC)
Όροι Σύστασης και Λειτουργίας
In order to ensure that all airlines conform with the:
- EU Council Regulation 95/93 as amended (Article 14, Par 4)
- Airport Regulation Nbr 4 (Government Gazette Nbr 2631/7/12/2015)
- Local airport rules as notified by AIP Greece
- EUACA Recommended Practice on Slot Monitoring and the determination of the “historics”
- IATA Worldwide Airport Slot Guidelines (as updated from time to time)
A Slot Performance Sub Committee is established to enhance adherence to allocated slot times of airlines at the 14 Regional Coordinated (IATA L3) Greek Airports, with the objective to improve punctuality and combat slot misuse. The objective of the Committee is to optimize use of congested and constrained facilities, therefore maximizing the utilization of allocated capacity in the 14 Regional Coordinated (IATA L3) Greek Airports.
Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες αναφορικά με τους Όρους Σύστασης και Λειτουργίας, μπορείτε να απευθυνθείτε στο [email protected].
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