Corporate Values
We gain our daily motivation from our basic values of transparency, fairness, equality, ambition, sincerity and trustworthiness.
In agreement with a responsible management approach, Fraport Greece is committed to upholding the principles of internationally recognized standards of behavior:
The ten Principles of UN Global Compact
Since 1999, the UN Global Compact is the largest and most important network for civic engagement and corporate social responsibility worldwide. Its participants publish a yearly “Communication on Progress” report about the ten Principles. The subjects dealt with are human rights, labor standards, environment and anti-corruption.
OECD Guidelines
These guidelines were adopted in 1976. They are principles and standards of conduct for responsible business operations of companies. The guidelines contain recommendations for a responsible conduct as regards transparency in business activities, working relationships, environment, corruption, consumer protection, technology transfer, competition and taxes.
ILO Core Labor Standards (CLS)
The CLS were set up in a declaration of the International Labor Organization (ILO) in 1998. They represent a set of social standards in the framework of world trade order. The four basic principles are freedom of association and protection of the right to organize, abolition of forced labor, abolition of child labor and elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.